Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Become Our Fan on Facebook!

Reno County Communities That Care is on Facebook, and we know most of you are too! Join our fan page so we can keep you up to date on happenings...facebook fan page

Key Findings ie: Why CTC does what it does.

Within 4 years of coalition implementation of the CTC system, communities using CTC experienced significant reductions in youth substance abuse and delinquency among students completing the eighth grade, compared to control communities:
• 23 % less alcohol use in the past 30 days
• 49% less smokeless tobacco use in the past 30 days
• 37% less binge drinking in past two weeks
• 31% fewer delinquent acts in the past year

Furthermore, youth in CTC communities were less likely to begin using drugs and to engage in
delinquent behaviors for the first time by the eighth grade:
• 38% less likely to start using alcohol
• 57% less likely to start using smokeless tobacco
• 45% less likely to start smoking tobacco
• 29% less likely to start delinquent behaviors

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Even More BWS

Face painting

Casey helps a little cutie

Emma loves Kaiesha

Hello second shift crew!

Caught by surprise! Don't kill me for this!

More from Breakfast with Santa

Happy Birthday, Taylor. She got up and helped very early on her special day. She's definitely making the Nice List this Christmas!

Go Caleb

Sponsorlicious Fanny-Pack

Aren't they gorgeous?

Busy at work

Buffet line

Ellegood Sisters

The Dimitts

Early, early morning

The first shift! Sorry we never got a full second shift pic.

Looking festive, Haley!

Monday, December 14, 2009

Breakfast With Santa 2009

We had a great day Saturday helping with TECH's Annual Breakfast With Santa fundraiser. Thanks to all the hardworking CTC Youth Leadership Kids who got up extra early on a Saturday morning to help out!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

South Hutch Elementary

South Hutchinson Elementary School has recently started a Strengthening Families Program. The class, so far, has been a terrific success. Last night alone, we had 20 participants! We are very lucky to have a Kansas SPF-SIG grant, which allows us to extend this wonderful program to all of Reno County.

During session one on Oct. 5th, youth talked about some of the goals they had for their futures. Parents got to know one another better and talked about their hopes and dreams for their child. In family session, we all played a getting to know you game and the parents knew more about the youth than the youth knew about the kids! I personally found this very interesting, because that rarely happens! Normally, it's the kids who don't miss a beat on those questions. It just goes to show you that this is an expectional class. I enjoyed getting to know each of the families a little better.

Last night, Oct. 12th, for session 2 youth worked on appreciating all the good things our parents do for us. Sometimes, as a 9-14 year old, we sometimes forget that our laundry doesn't wash itself, and that we enjoy not walking ourselves a couple miles to school. I think this is a really important lesson for the youth. I hope they take some time this week to notice a time when their parent or parents do something nice for them, just because they love them.

Parents worked on "I Statements." This is a really hard lesson for some people. We have to try to reprogram ourselves from just blurting out millions of words to get our point across. An example of an "I Statement" goes something like this, "I feel taken advantage of, when you don't help me with the dishes when I ask you to, because I could really use your help. I want you to turn off the TV and help me, please." Just kind of an example. Parents also were told to notice a few positive behaviors of their youth and reinforce those by giving a compliment.

During family session, we made one of my favorite projects - family trees! Now, this family tree is not just the normal - who's your grandma, who's your great grandpa kind of thing. The Strengthening Families tree is more about the strengths of each person in your family. The youth points out good qualities of their parent/s and the parent/s point out the good qualities of the youth. (If I can figure out how to post pictures, I'll put some examples up for you to check out)

I am so pleased with the session at South Hutchinson. If you and your family are interested in getting involved with one of our Strengthening Families Sessions, please let me know. We'd be happy to have you!